sábado, 1 de abril de 2017


    Fuente: https://dribbble.com/shots/532568-Hello-Happy-Students

Good morning Dear Counters A greeting of Peace and Good.....
Very Important Socialize 
Be University
Be Franciscan
Be Catholic

Review and understand the programmatic contents

Activities Schedule
Improvement of the tool "the blog of Accounting Banking and Accounting Banking Sector"

Reading one

"Gloval vision for social solidarity Economy: Convergences and Differences in Concepts, Definitions and Frameworks"

Reading Two
"The need for speed"
2016 Banking Industry outlook Survey

It is important that the contribution of the day be made in English.

        Next class Partial Second Court

6 comentarios:

  1. be academic
    be franciscan
    be catholic
    This is values of San Buenaventura university, but no aren’t values of the students, because this values its not present in the life of students,for one is student bonaventuriano ,but its not necessary be Francisco and more lest catholic, in the san Buenaventura university is Characterizes integration in the people. It was important the integration of culture in the university beyond of the belief or worship the people

  2. ALEJANDRA ROMERO1 de abril de 2017, 9:46


    1. to be university, Catholic and Franciscan

    *Being a university: the constant search for truth; The creative activity; The serious and objective analysis of reality; Scientific rigor and the intrinsic value of science and research.

    *To be Catholic: it assures the Christian presence in the university world in the face of the great problems of society and culture

    *Being a Franciscan: it fosters simplicity in the development of relationships between members of the university community and through its various activities, educates in the love of life, justice, peace, freedom, service to The others and for the protection and preservation of the environment.

    2.Review and understand the programmatic contents
    Within the proposed program content for the corresponding subjects, this week should be taken into account for financial sector accounting, the inclusion of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit as the body responsible for defining, formulating and implementing the economic policy of Colombia, on the other hand, for accounting of the solidarity sector, it is important to highlight the function of the employee funds, and its regulation in Colombia.

    3.Activities Schedule
    Class schedules are remembered, defining times of delivery of activities, elaboration of activities for the blog and agreements are reached between spaces between classes

    4. Improvement of the tool "the blog of Accounting Banking and Accounting Banking Sector

    For the session today and taking into account the program content, for today were included in the blog different contributions by each of the students, about the proposed topic, ministry of finance and public credit and employee funds.

    5. Reading one

    "Gloval vision for social solidarity Economy: Convergences and Differences in Concepts, Definitions and Frameworks"

    Talks about ongoing process of discussion about concepts of the social solidarity economy

    6.Reading Two
    "The need for speed" 2016 Banking Industry outlook Survey
    "acroos the spectrum, banks are relatively strong"

  3. Being a Franciscan, being Catholic and being Bonaventurean, are things that are shared at the University of San Bonaventure, and refers to the commitment that each student acquires, there they find spaces and moments to share with people, Being human and in solidarity with others.

  4. To take into account; These readings update us and inform us of what is happening with the technology and the use we give it, as far as the financial sector, customers in this market now prefer to make the vast majority of their transactions through the internet, to save time; To them it seems an excellent tool because the system is faster and more and more because of the ease that this medium offers them, although not every time is safe.
